KEN OKUYAMA - ケン オクヤマ カーズ
KEN OKUYAMA - ケン オクヤマ カーズ




Modern simple timelessをコンセプトとし、究極まで無駄をそぎ落としつつもmade in japanのクオリティに拘っています。それは日本刀の機能美にも通ずる部分であり日本独特の切り捨ての美学を感じさせます。2シーターのオープントップで非常にコンパクトにまとめた車体はスパルタンな印象を与えます。

With “Modern, Simple, Timeless” as our concept, we are committed to maintaining the message of quality conveyed by “Made in Japan” while eliminating all unnecessary elements. This may lead to the functional beauty of a Japanese sword, in which you can sense the unique Japanese minimalist aesthetic. The compact body of this two-seater car with an open top gives a ‘Spartan’ impression.
We eliminated unnecessary elements in the layout, and tried to lighten the weight and lower the center of gravity.



Thanks to this improved layout, the front and rear overhangs realize comfortable road handling. Even during the 1850mm wide tread acceleration, it contributes to stability and you will feel great, responsive acceleration. We carefully considered not only the response at high rpm, but also the ease of ride at low rpm.
Skilled craftsmen manually assemble components such as cutting-out aluminum parts and carbon fiber, aiming for light-weight and.